Personel Profile

นางสาว อุทุมพร วงษ์ศิลป์     อยู่

English Name Lect. Dr. UTOOMPORN WONGSIN
กลุ่มบุคลากร พนักงานมหาวิทยาลัย
กลุ่มย่อยบุคลากร สายวิชาการ
ตำแหน่งงาน อาจารย์
ตำแหน่งทางวิชาการ ไม่มี
ตำแหน่งด้านบริหารงาน ไม่มี
ส่วนงาน ภาควิชาบริหารงานสาธารณสุข
เบอร์สายตรง -
เบอร์ภายใน -
วุฒิการศึกษา สาขา สถาบัน
ปริญญาเอก Doctor of Philosophy Global Health and Health Security Taipei Medical University, ไต้หวัน
ปริญญาโท บัญชีมหาบัณฑิต การบัญชี มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต, ไทย
ปริญญาตรี บัญชีบัณฑิต การบัญชี มหาวิทยาลัยนอร์ทกรุงเทพ, ไทย

ประสบการณ์การอบรม (บางส่วน)
-Attending Provider of health care of the health security systems.Naresuan University. Thailand. (Royal Thai Government Scholarship)

-Long term care system in Singapore, Ministry of Health (Funded by United Nations, International labour organization)

-Asia Regional Flagship Course on Health System Strengthening and Sustainable Financing-The Challenge of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) , Bangkok (Funded by World bank, ANHSS, USAID)

-E-learning course on Basics of Health Economics (Cohort 3). The World Bank Institute.

-Strategies for Private Sector Engagement and Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Health (Funded by World Bank)

-Workshop on Provider Payment Models (Funded by World Bank)

-Method for Health Policy Research (Indonesia)

-Certificate Program: Business Analysis Program (Chulalongkorn University)




- Healthcare Financing and Healthcare Costing
- Global Health
- Health Promotion and Prevention
- Health Informatics
- Older adults


Wongsin U, Chen, T.Y. (2023). Sex differences in the risk factors of disability among community-dwelling older adults with hypertension: Longitudinal results from the Health, Aging, and Retirement in Thailand study (HART). Front Public Health.; Volume 11-2023.

Wongsin, U., Suanrueang, P., Chen, & T.Y. (2023). Cost Analysis of Outpatient Services for Hypertension, Heart Attacks, and Strokes among Older Adults in Community Hospitals in Thailand. Journal of Health Systems Research 2023;17(2):317-2
Wongsin, U., Chiangchaisakulthai, K., Suppradist, W., Samiphuk, N., Pongpattrachai, D., Wannasri, A., Nontarak, J., & Chen, T.Y. (2023). A health promotion program for improving weights, body mass index, and body compositions among individuals with non-communicable diseases in Thailand: RE-AIM model and financial feasibility study. Journal of Health Systems Research 2023; 17(3):442-54

Suanrueang, P., Wongsin, U. (2023). Cost Analysis of Outpatient Care for Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to Psychoactive Substance Use: A Study of Four Community and Two General Hospitals in Thailand. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 18(1).
Wongsin, U., Chiangchaisakulthai, K., Suanrueang, P., Thumvanna. P.,Sakunphanit, T. (2021). Cost of emergency patients in public hospitals for financial policy recommendation to the universal coverage for emergency patients (UCEP). Journal of Health Systems Research 2021;15(3):370-80.
Prasitsiriphon, O., Wongsin, U., Naka, P., Julchoo, S., Suphanchaimat, R.(2021). Disparity between the Reimbursement and Unit Cost for HIV/AIDS Antiretroviral Treatment for Migrant Patients Insured in the ?Health Insurance Card Scheme?, Thailand, 2015-2017 | OSIR Journal. Volume 14 Issue 1 (2021) March 2021.

Weng, S.F., Malik, A.,Wongsin, U., Lohmeyer, F.M., Lin, L.F., Atique, S.,Jian,W.S., Gusman, Y.,Iqbal, U.(2021). Health Service Access among Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers in Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(7):3759.

Francis,D.,L.,Wongsin, U., Chien, S.C.,Hsu,Y.S., Lohmeyer, F.M., Jian, W.S., Lin L.F. , Iqbal, U. (2021). Assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards Zika virus among healthcare workers in St. Kitts. BMC Infect Dis 21, 237 (2021).
Wongsin, U., Pongpattrachai. D. (2019). Cost Analysis of HIV/AIDS Outpatient Service in Thailand Journal of Health Systems Research Vol.13 No. 4 October-December 2019.

Wongsin, U., Suanrueang, P. (2019). Unit Cost of Schizophrenia, Schizotypal and Delusional Disorders. Journal of Health Systems Research Vol.13 No. 4 October- December 2019.

Suanrueang, P., Wongsin, U. (2019). A Time-Motion Study of Medical Specialists: a Case Study in Eight Public Hospitals. Journal of Health Systems Research. No. 4 October-December 2019.

Chiangchaisakulthai, K., Wongsin, U., Suanrueang , P., Thumvanna ,P., Sakunphanit,T. (2019). Healthcare expenditure burden for emergency medical services of private hospitals under a project of financial recommendation for Universal Coverage for Emergency Patients (UCEP). Journal of the Department of Medical Services Vol. 44 No. 5 September ? October 2019
Suanrueang, P.,Wongsin, U.. (2019). Professional Fee in the Private Hospital Disbursement of the Universal Coverage for Emergency Patients (UCEP). Journal of Health Systems Research Vol. 13 No. 1 January-March 2019.